Catechesis: deepening our faith

e are called to life in Christ.
Salvation is God's gift, and we are to live it more than to 'know' it. Yet growing in knowledge of God and of his gifts helps us to love God more and receive his gifts more fruitfully and to live them more deeply. This is for our own benefit, and helps us in our mission as Christians.
There are regularly opportunities in the parish to come together to reflect on the Scriptures and Tradition and what they reveal to us about God, and the life of faith. They also provide a chance to explore with others how we live faith in the particular circumstances of our own lives, in our families, in our workplace and as citizens.
Our parish is located close to St Mary's Oscott, the Seminary, and to Maryvale, the Diocesan Catechetical Centre. Both institutions regularly host lectures and provide other opportunities to learn about our faith.
Details of all these are regularly featured in the newsletter.
For more information, or if you have suggestions as to other things we might do and offer, please see Fr Allen.
Salvation is God's gift, and we are to live it more than to 'know' it. Yet growing in knowledge of God and of his gifts helps us to love God more and receive his gifts more fruitfully and to live them more deeply. This is for our own benefit, and helps us in our mission as Christians.
There are regularly opportunities in the parish to come together to reflect on the Scriptures and Tradition and what they reveal to us about God, and the life of faith. They also provide a chance to explore with others how we live faith in the particular circumstances of our own lives, in our families, in our workplace and as citizens.
Our parish is located close to St Mary's Oscott, the Seminary, and to Maryvale, the Diocesan Catechetical Centre. Both institutions regularly host lectures and provide other opportunities to learn about our faith.
Details of all these are regularly featured in the newsletter.
For more information, or if you have suggestions as to other things we might do and offer, please see Fr Allen.