Wanting to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony?
If you are thinking of getting married in our parish, please do get in touch with Fr Allen as soon as possible. It is necessary to give six months' notice to allow enough time for the paperwork and preparation to take place. Similarly, please contact Fr Allen if you live in the parish but are planning to get married elsewhere. Marriage preparation at St Nicholas has two parts.
NB At Easter 2016 a revised Order for Celebrating Matrimony was published for use in the Catholic Church in England and Wales. This Order is significantly different to the previous Order. A guide to the revised Order has been written by Fr Allen and published by McCrimmons. Titled Celebrating your Marriage in the Catholic Church, it is available from the parish repository and Catholic bookshops. It provides guidance for preparing your wedding service, and gives access to all the principal texts for the various forms of the Marriage Rite. (NB the current edition of this book does not include the translation of scriptures that is now to be used at Mass. The readings in the new translation can be found below (in the choosing the readings link) Documents available to download You might find also find it helpful to read