The parish newsletter is published weekly and posted here each weekend.
It contains the Scripture readings of the Sunday, much of the Ordinary of the Mass, details of celebrations of Mass and other services during the week, brief articles and news of parish events to help us deepen our faith and live more authentically as disciples of Christ. Additional news and information is also regularly posted on the Parish Blog |
On some browsers and some devices, and for an unknown reason, the newsletter sometimes fails to display properly.
If you experience this problem please try another browser (for example Microsoft Edge) or another device. Please note that the form of the newsletter posted here has been edited to remove copyright material that we do not have a license to post on-line (mostly this will be the lyrics of songs)
The readings for Mass each day in the week ahead can be found here. (Those who use the link regularly will find it more convenient if they are able to load the Universalis App on a PC, Tablet, or smart-phone (or all three!). Details of the one-off payment necessary are given on the link above. Sunday of Sixth Week Sunday of Fifth Week The Presentation (Sunday of Fourth Week) Sunday of Third Week Sunday of Second Week Baptism of the Lord Epiphany Holy Family 4th Sunday of Advent 3rd Sunday in Advent 2nd Sunday of Advent 1st Sunday of Advent Christ the King 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 32nd Sunday in Ordinary TIme 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th Sunday in Ordinary TIme 23rd Sunday in Ordinary TIme 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time |
Parish Newsletter
Our Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216
Address: 243 Jockey Rd, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5US Telephone: 0121 354 1763 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Blog: Facebook: St Nicholas Church, Boldmere Parish Priest: Fr Allen Morris |